Tekchills Foundation

Tekskills Foundation

TEKCHILLS Foundation is an SDG focused organization incorporated (Reg. No.)

CG010572020) under the Companies Act 179, 1963 (Now Act 992, 2019) of the Republic of Ghana on the 17th February 2020 with the core mandate of empowering underserved, deprived, and rural communities across Ghana to break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy, and lack of resources.

The Sustainable Development Goals that the Foundation seek to champion
comprises of the following;

Goal 1 – No Poverty

Goal 2 – Zero Hunger

Goal 3 – Good Health & Wellbeing

Goal 4 – Quality Education

Goal 6 – Clean Water & Sanitation

Goal 17 – Partnership for the goals.

Our Vision

To become the undisputed leading and dominant non-profit / nongovernmental organisation in Ghana, offering hope for all underserved and deprived rural communities.

Our Mission

To create an enabling environment of growth for marginalized
communities, enabling them to realise their full potential.

To inspire people to take action to change by maximizing the impact of
investment to support communities in Ghana.

Our Focus Group

TEKCHILLS focus is targeted on the most vulnerable:

Deprived, rural, and underserved communities.

Poor and vulnerable children and young people.

People with disabilities.

Our Core Values

We at TEKCHILLS Foundation seek to promote the following core values:







Causes We Champion

  1. Education

We aim to provide every child living in a deprived community with access to quality education.

How: TEKCHILLS ambition is to train teachers & build new schools, libraries and ICT Labs. We also want to break down barriers that prevent many children, especially girls, from attending school and staying in school, so we can achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development.

  1. Health

Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all underprivileged people in Ghana.

How: TEKCHILLS will help communities to build health clinics, train health care workers and invest in equipment and medicine so children can grow up healthy and strong.

  1. Clean Water Supplies

Providing clean, safe, accessible water, as well as improving the sanitation of communities.

How: TEKCHILLS will work with communities to build school latrines, community water points and help to establish community focused groups to ensure the continued management and maintenance of water points.

  1. Life Skills

Providing young people in underprivileged communities with life skills to ensure their economic security.

How: TEKCHILLS will work to overcome poverty by providing training to young people and enable them to acquire the skills (dressing making, carpentry, painting, & IT skills etc.) and knowledge they need to secure a livelihood and support themselves and their families.

  1. Rural Agriculture Support

Providing funds and tools to all disadvantaged communities
How: TEKCHILLS will work to support agricultural investment to feed
communities, prevent hunger and eradicate poverty.

  1. Support for the Disabled

Providing funds and equipment to those with disabilities.

How: TEKCHILLS will work to support those suffering with disabilities, who are often marginalized, by providing wheelchairs and other amenities needed by this target group of people in Ghana